Moscow International University Ranking
Moscow International University Ranking

The first meeting of Moscow International University Ranking was held on 8-9 June, 2017 at the venue of Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia.
Prof. Ali Akbar Sabouri, as the Representative of University of Tehran and Prof. Seyed Hassan Zahraee ,Adminstrator of the Secretariat of The Top Iranian and Russian Universities took part in this event which was held in the presence of delegates from Belgium, America , Brazil, UK , South Africa , Italy, Turkey , China , India , Poland and Russian Federation.
In the mentioned meeting, the representatives of each country expressed their views on main indicators for the proposed Moscow International University Ranking and it was hoped that the data related to maximum 250 world universities to be published through the forecasted data base.
It is worth noting that the idea of establishment of this new ranking system was for the first time proposed by Prof. Sadovinchy, the Rector of Lomonosov Moscow State University during the 2nd Rectors’ Forum for the Top Iranian and Russian Universities on 20 October, 2016 in Tehran which was welcomed warmly.
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