University of Tehran high ranking delegation visited Paris, France

University of Tehran high ranking delegation visited Paris, France

29 April 2017 | 09:11 Code : 4088 News Events Top News

A high ranking delegation led by Prof. Mahmoud Nili Ahmadabadi, President of University of Tehran visited the following universities and institutions in Paris, France on 10-15 April, 2017.

Based on the negotiations between UT and French host universities and institutions, various areas of cooperation were specified including, helping with the design of UT science museum, dual degree, granting scholarship to UT students, holding specialized workshops , research stay and sabbatical leaves.

Namelist of the universiteis and institutions which were visited by UT delegation:

Cite des Sciences et de l’industrie ,Universcience

Ecolo Ploytechnique 

Universite Paris Saclay


Ecole des Ponts ParisTech,




The news of the UT delegation visit to Université Paris-Saclay as posted in the respective university website reads as follows: (

On 13 April, Professor Mahmoud Nili-Ahmadabadi, President of the University of Tehran (UT), was hosted by Claude Chappert, Vice-President of Université Paris-Saclay (UPSaclay); Jean-Luc Clément, Advisor on Research Affairs at the French Ministry for Higher Education and Research (MENESR); Sylvie Retailleau, President of Université Paris-Sud (UPSud) and Estelle Iacona, Executive Vice-President of CentraleSupelec (C.S.), to sign a Memorandum of Understanding.

Within the framework of a policy of rapprochement by both the French and Iranian government in the field of higher education and research, this meeting follows on from the recent visit in Iran (December 2016) by a delegation of French institutions led by Thierry Mandon, the French Minister of State for Higher Education and Research. The participation of the Vice-President for International Affairs of UT, Prof. M. B. Ghahramani, two professors of UT, B. Gatmiri and A. Mohaghar, the Science and Technology Representative of I.R.Iran in Europe, Prof. Ghobani Asl, S. Lacombe and E. Augé, Vice-Presidents of UPSud for International Relations and Research, M. Zolver, Vice-President of C.S. for International Affairs, and G. Garreta, Director of International Relations at UPSaclay, demonstrated the common interest of all parties to reinforce collaborations and to identify promising areas for the setting up of joint activities such as Master’s double degrees or joint doctoral agreements.

Towards an Increase of Diversified Collaborations

The University of Tehran is the oldest and most renowned academic institution of Iran. As such, through a long-standing tradition of cooperation with France, the university has forged durable links to educate students at the highest level in a spirit of international openness.

As well as Université Paris-Sud and CentraleSupélec, several other member institutions of UPSaclay can play a role in the reinforcement of collaborations with UT, namely IHES, Ecole polytechnique, AgroParisTech, the CEA, and the CNRS. The signing of this MoU will streamline the exploration of new avenues for cooperation in targeted subject areas such as fundamental and applied mathematics, ICT, civil and industrial engineering, life sciences or human and social sciences.


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