South Korean First Secretary of Culture Affairs met with Vice President for International Affairs

South Korean First Secretary of Culture Affairs met with Vice President for International Affairs

22 February 2017 | 13:05 Code : 3895 News Events
South Korean First Secretary of Culture Affairs met with Vice President for International Affairs

Mr. Oh, Sung Ho, First Secretary of Culture Affairs, Republic of Korea met with Prof. Ghahramani , Vice President for International Affairs on 21st February, 2017. The other participants in the meeting included Prof. Valipour Dean and Prof. Alavi Deputy Dean of Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literature, Abdolmajid Eskandari, Director General of Office of International Relations and Ms. Davanlou, Head of Department for Int. Scientific Cooperation.

The main discussion of the meeting was to follow up the establishment of the Korean language and literature bachelor degree program, allocation of a place in the related faculty as the Korean Corner and exchanging ideas on holding various joint cultural and academic programs. 

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