International Association of Universities (IAU) deplores US President Trump travel Ban on the citizens of 7 Muslim-majority countries

International Association of Universities (IAU) deplores US President Trump travel Ban on the citizens of 7 Muslim-majority countries

18 February 2017 | 08:30 Code : 3871 News Events
International Association of Universities (IAU) deplores US President Trump travel Ban on the citizens of 7 Muslim-majority countries

Prof. Pam Fredman, IAU President and Ms. Eva Egron-Polak, IAU Secretary General in a message deplored the travel ban by Trump.  The text which has been posted in the IAU homepage, LinkedIn page and presented as a Twitter message reads as follows:

The International Association of Universities (IAU) deplores the recent executive order to ban citizens of 7  countries from entering the US, signed by US President Trump. This order has a very high human cost and affects students, researchers and academic staff of many IAU member universities around the globe.

Committed to international collaboration and academic mobility, and condemning all forms of discrimination, IAU calls upon the US President to rescind this order which has extremely negative consequences and sends a dangerous and shameful signal to the world.

Pam Fredman, IAU President

Eva Egron-Polak, IAU Secretary General

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