The meeting of holders of UNESCO Chair at UT

The meeting of holders of UNESCO Chair at UT

18 January 2017 | 13:31 Code : 3782 News Events
The meeting of holders of UNESCO Chair at UT

The meeting of the holders of Unesco Chair was held in the presence of Prof. Sadollah Nasiri Gheydari, Secretary-General of the Iranian National Commission for Unesco and Prof. Ghahramani , Vice President for International Affair on 15 January, 2017.

During the meeting, each holder of chair presented a report on the activities of his related chair and exchanged ideas on the ways of promoting academic cooperation and projects. 

At present 7 Unesco chairs are active at University of Tehran including the followings:

Islamic Architecture (Prof. Mahmoud Golabchi), College of Fine Arts

Entrepreneurship (Prof. Nezamuldin Faghih), Faculty of Entrepreneurship

Engineering Education (Prof. Memarian), College of Engineering

Water Reuse (Prof. Sarafzadeh), College of Engineering

Biophysics of Diabetes (Interdisciplinary Research in Diabetes) (Prof. Mousavi Movahedi), Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics

Cultural and Cyberspace: Dual Speciation of the World, (Prof. Saeid Reza Ameli), Faculty of World Studies

Social Health and Development, (Prof. Yunus Noorbaksh), Faculty of Social Sciences

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