A delegation from University of Zurich, Switzerland visited University of Tehran
A delegation from University of Zurich, Switzerland visited University of Tehran

On January 10, 2017, a delegation led by Prof. Dr. Schaepman , Dean of College of Science , Prof. Rudolph , Chair of Department of Islamic Studies, Prof. Uehlinger, Comparative History of Religions ( Institute of Religious Studies) and Ms. Elika Jalali , a Ph.D. student of Islamic Studies met with Prof,. Ghahramani, Vice President for International Affairs.
Prof. Sharifi, Director General for Academic Affairs, Prof. Akhondzadeh, Director General of Office of International Students and Abdolmajid Eskandari, Director General. Offices of International Relations were also present in the meeting.
The areas of discussion included the followings:
- Exchange of post graduate students, facilitating sabbatical leave and research stays programs
- Providing university accommodation for visiting scholars
- Holding joint academic meetings
- Using the lab facilities of both universities
- Exchange of ideas on joint journals
In this meeting, Prof. Rudolph presented one of his publication entitled: Philosophy in the Islamic World to the Central Library and Documentation Center.
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