A High Ranking French Delegation Visited UT
A High Ranking French Delegation Visited UT

A high ranking French delegation led by Thierry Mandon, Secretary for Higher Education and Research [Secrétariat d’État chargé de l’Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche] paid a visit to University of Tehran in December 2016 and met with Prof. Nili Ahmadabadi, the President of University of Tehran.
In this meeting, referring to the long standing academic cooperation between the two countries, both sides exchanged ideas on the ways of promoting the academic ties between University of Tehran and French universities and research institutes.
Also in the meeting, both sides signed three MoU’s which will serve a platform for further academic cooperation in the future including the followings:
1. MoU between University of Tehran and University of Nante[Université de Nantes]
2. MoU between University of Tehran and Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées
3. MoU between College of Engineering ( UT) and Ecole des Arts et Métiers ParisTech
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