Academic Cooperation Workshops in Association with DAAD at University of Tehran

Academic Cooperation Workshops in Association with DAAD at University of Tehran

21 December 2016 | 15:15 Code : 3720 News Events

A research-based workshop on EU project programs

A research-based  workshop entitled „ Joining to EU funding programs through German scientific partners- Horizon 2020“ was launched in Ministry of Science, Research and Technology on 6th Dec and continued at the College of Science on Wednesday 7 th Dec with the support of German Academic Exchange Service.

The workshop aimed at improving the skill of scientists in writing an effective research proposal for the EU projects in cooperation with German scientists. In the workshop, Iranian scientists with the EU project engagement shared their experience with the participating scientists.

An academic event on administrative educational challenges of dual degree programs

The Academic related workshop entitled “German-Iranian academic relationship- an administrative educational approach toward a strategic partnership “was hold on the 12th  and 13th Dec at College of Science and Central Library with the support of German Academic Exchange Service.

The experiences of German speakers regarding the administrative educational challenges and chances for the establishment of the joint study program with Iranian universities were addressed in this event. This event was hold in order to improve the administrative challenges of dual degree programs or accreditation requirements and accelerate the process of joint academic courses and programs.




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