A Chinese delegation met with Director General, Office of International Relations, University of Tehran
A Chinese delegation met with Director General, Office of International Relations, University of Tehran

A delegation from Ministry of Education of P.R. of China met with Abdolmajid Eskandari, Director General, Office of International Relations on 22 November, 2016.
Prof. Sun Xiaobing , Director General , Prof. Yang ZhiGang , Director, Prof. Shu Gangbo, Deputy Director of Department of Policy and Regulations , at Ministry of Education of P.R. of China stated that their purpose of visit is to get further familiar with the UT and also proposing some ideas on various cultural and educiaotnal exchanges including revival of ancient silk road under the motto of One Road , One Belt . In this meeting both sides exchanged ideas on proposing various educational and cultural programs including cultural festivals, food festivals, music and performing arts, theater and cinema festivals, sports competitions , exchange of students and faculty members for short and long term visits. The two sides decided to continue their contacts through cultural attaché offices of Iran and China.
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