President of University of Tehran was elected as the First Vice President of Association of Unversities of Asia and the Pacific(AUAP)
President of University of Tehran was elected as the First Vice President of Association of Universities of Asia and the Pacific( AUAP)

During The 40th AUAP Executive Board Meeting (BM, ACM and CCC), and The 12th AUAP General Assembly Meeting which was held in Korea (Daegu Health College) on 7 November, 2016, Professor Mahmoud Nili Ahmadabadi, President of University of Tehran was elected as the First Vice President of AUAP. Furthermore, Prof. Mohammad Bagher Ghahramani, Vice President for International Affairs of University of Tehran was elected as the First Inernal Auditor to AUAP on behalf of University of Tehran.
The 12th AUAP-DHC GENERAL CONFERENCE on “The Roles of Universities in Fostering Student Employability and Entrepreneurship” is being held at Daegu Health College, Daegu City, South Korea on November 7-9, 2016
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