The 2nd Rectors ‘Forum for Top Iranian and Russian Universities
The 2nd Rectors ‘Forum for Top Iranian and Russian Universities

On October 20, 2016, The 2nd Rectors’ Forum for Top Iranian and Russian Universities will be held at University of Tehran.
This Forum is held in pursuance of The 1st Rectors’ Forum for Top Iranian and Russian Universities in Moscow which was hosted by Lomonosov Moscow State University and presided by the Rector Prof. Dr. Sadovnichy, on October 28, 2015.
The participants will take part in three specialized panels under the following topics:
Panel One: Scientific –Educational Cooperation of Universities and Promotion of Their Competitiveness
Panel Two: Experiences of Universities Management and Problems of Training the Forces for the Innovative Economy
Panel Three: The Role of Science and Technologies Parks in the Development of Universities
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