44 Iranian universities on ISC Ranking by subject

05 July 2023 | 08:54 Code : 35489 News


As an international scientific organization, ISC has ranked universities and research institutes in Iran by forming an internal working group.

ISC, as an avant-garde citation system in the Muslim world, published Islamic World University Rankings in 2013. Building on past experience, ISC’s Department of Universities Ranking published the new ISC World University Rankings in 2018.

In 2021, there were 42 Iranian universities on the ISC ranking by subject from 215 universities in Islamic countries.

The six subjects included natural sciences (biological sciences, chemical sciences, computer and information sciences, earth and related environmental sciences, mathematics, physical sciences, and other natural sciences (multidisciplinary sciences); engineering and technology ( chemical engineering,  civil engineering,  electrical engineering, electronic engineering, information engineering, environmental biotechnology,    environmental engineering, industrial biotechnology, materials engineering, mechanical engineering, medical engineering, nano-technology, and other engineering and technologies (engineering, multidisciplinary; engineering, industrial; engineering, manufacturing; food science and technology; instrumentation and instrumentation; microscopy; imaging science and photographic technology; spectroscopy); medical and health sciences   (basic medicine, clinical medicine, health sciences, medical biotechnology, and other medical science; agricultural and veterinary sciences (agricultural biotechnology,  agriculture, forestry, fisheries animal and dairy science, veterinary science, and other agricultural science (agricultural engineering; agricultural economics and policy; food science and technology); humanities and the arts (art, history and archaeology, languages and literature, philosophy, ethics and religion, and other humanities (humanities, multidisciplinary); social sciences (economics and business,  education,      law, media and communication, political science, psychology and cognitive sciences, social and economic geography, sociology, and other social sciences (hospitality, leisure, sport and tourism; asian studies; cultural studies; social sciences, interdisciplinary).     

The number of top Iranian universities and research institutes in the Essential Science Indicators (ESI) database has increased from 112 last year (March 2022-March 2023) to 115 this year, the Islamic World Science Citation Center (ISC) has reported.

The number of top Iranian universities and research institutes in this database has increased from 112 last year to 115 this year.

Iran's top universities and research institutes are present in 19 subject areas, and the largest number is in the engineering subject area with 59 universities and research institutes.

The number of institutions in the fields of clinical medicine was 57, chemistry 50, material sciences 25, agricultural sciences 23, pharmacology and toxicology 19, plant and animal sciences 16, environment/ecology 15, social sciences, biology and biochemistry, and computer sciences 13 each.

Meanwhile, the number of institutions in the fields of neuroscience and behavior was 7, geology 6, physics and immunology 5 each, molecular biology and genetics 4, mathematics and microbiology 2 each, and psychiatry/psychology 1.

Reviewing the status of universities worldwide shows that the number of Iranian universities has increased in nearly all subject rankings.

At the beginning of its formation, rating systems provided a comprehensive view of institutions and evaluated them from all aspects and as a whole. But in the past few years, many of these systems evaluate and rank institutions in various scientific fields.

This new ranking method has emerged to meet the needs of users who seek to know the position of an institution in a special field.

Some of these systems evaluate broad scientific fields such as humanities and social sciences, technical and engineering, and medicine, and others measure special fields such as chemistry, mathematics, artificial intelligence, anthropology, and nursing in institutions.

The Times Higher Education (THE) World University Rankings 2023 has placed 65 Iranian universities among the top Asian institutions.

The Times Higher Education Asia University Rankings 2023 use the same 13 performance indicators as the Times Higher Education World University Rankings, but they are recalibrated to reflect the attributes of Asia’s institutions.

The universities are judged across all their core missions – teaching, research, knowledge transfer, and international outlook – to provide the most comprehensive and balanced comparisons available.

The Sharif University of Technology is ranked first in the country and 64th in Asia. The position of two Iranian institutions is also mentioned as a reporter.

In the 2023 edition of the Times Higher Education’s Asian University Ranking System, the names of 928 institutions from 36 Asian countries are included in the final list. In the previous edition of this ranking system, 58 universities from Iran were among the top institutions in Asia, IRNA reported.

Courtesy of Tehran  Times

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