Two German MP Met with President of University of Tehran
Two German MP Met with President of University of Tehran

Two high ranking members of parliament of Germany, Dr. Hubertus Heil and Dr. Swen Shulz along with Dr. Frens Stoeckel , Director of DAAD Information Center in Tehran met with Professor Mahmoud Nili Ahmadabadi, the President of UT on the 5th October, 2016.
During the meeting, the President of UT explained about the UT academic life and added: UT focuses on the national and international challenges such as water, environment, energy, etc. The record of cooperation with German universities and research centers is very bright but there is still capacity for expanding the already established ties.
Referring to their membership in the Committee on Economy, Budget and Education of German Parliament, both German members expressed their readiness to support the expansion of the academic and research bilateral ties between University of Tehran and German universities. After the meeting, the delegation also met with Prof. Ardestani , the Dean of Faculty of Environment in the presence of some of the faculty members of the mentioned faculty.
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