840 Iranian researchers are among the most cited researchers of one percent of the world (WOS-ESI).

The Essential Science Indicators (ESI) database has provided the list of the most cited researchers of one percent of the world in the report of Islamic World Science Citation Center
A list of highly cited researchers in 22 subject areas of science has been compiled in the Essential Science Indicators (ESI) database in a 10-year period.
In this way, the researchers in each field are sorted according to the number of citations they have received, and then the top one percent researchers are considered as scientific elites based on the ESI citation threshold.
Therefore, the criteria for selecting researchers in this list is the number of citations made to their scientific productions.
Accordingly, researchers who have been able to achieve the highest level of international recognition based on their research activities in the last ten years are included in the category of one percent of the most cited researchers in the world.
In this report, 43 academic faculty members of University of Tehran and 78 academic faculty members of Tehran University of Medical Sciences are included in the top 1 percent of researchers in the world.
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