The Three University Ranking Missions (UT)

13 September 2022 | 08:41 Code : 30569 Events

We are pleased to announce that University of Tehran has been featured in the sixth issue of The Three University Missions ranking among the world’s best 1800 universities.

Global rank of University of Tehran: 801-900.

The 2022 issue of The Three University Missions ranking features a total of 1800 universities from 103 countries, selected from a list of over 2200 higher education institutions from 129 countries and territories.

The ranking evaluates not only the first two missions of a university — quality of education and scientific work — but also, for the first time in international practice, a university's contribution to society — its third mission. This makes MosIUR one of the most representative among popular academic rankings, since it uses innovative approaches, measuring a university's impact on society.

The overall weight of indicators per group is 45% for Education, 25% for Research and 30% for University and Society.

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The Three University Missions team


The Three University Missions ranking is operated by Association of Rating, Ranking, and Other Performance Evaluations Makers (ARM).

The pilot issue of The Three University Missions ranking was published in December 2017 and has been released on annual basis since then. The ranking was audited by PricewaterhouseCoopers Audit, part of the global PwC network.

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