Profound Relation between Anthropology and Educational Theory

30 August 2022 | 08:19 Code : 30348 News


Culture & KnowledgeCulture12:16 - August 28, 2022News ID: 3480242

TEHRAN (IQNA) – Anthropology and educational theory are correlated as discussing education from every viewpoint requires first to portray human from that viewpoint to see what concept of education is compatible with it.  

Profound Relation between Anthropology and Educational Theory

This is according to University of Tehran scholar Khosro Baqeri, speaking at a forum titled “Quran and Education”. Excerpts from his speech at the forum are as follows:

Any definition of education requires offering a portrayal of human and every portrayal of human we draw is compatible with a certain meaning of education. Anthroplogy and the concept of education are not two quite separate things but they are correlated. When we discuss education from every viewpoint we need first to portray human from that viewpoint to see what concept of education is compatible with it.  

If define education as building humans, then we are considering the concept of building as the essence of education. Such a depiction of human considers human beings as a raw material with which we can make something. On the other hand, if we say human is a being that has certain aptitudes and talents within its being and is like a seed that can grow to a certain plant, such a depiction leads us to a definition of education that involves developing aptitudes.

This is a two-way road. If we start by defining human then we will have a corresponding definition of education and vice versa.

In order to talk about the issue of education in the Quran, we should first see what the Holy Book says about human.

There are different concepts about human in the Quran. In some verses there are references to the body and in some others to the soul. There are also concepts like Nafs, Fitrat, heart, collective identity, etc. The Quran also refers to the limitations that human beings have such as weakness or hastiness.

We can say that overall, human beings have been portrayed as Amel (doer), that is to say humans have Amal (deed, action). In other words, the resultant of this being that has a body, soul, etc is action.

The Holy Prophet (PBUH) told the disbelievers to act in their own position and he will act in his. It means that being Amel Is not limited to ideological boundaries. Just as the Holy Prophet (PBUH) is Amel so are the disbelievers. Nor are there any racial, historical or geographical boundaries. Humans are Amel no matter where they are historically, geographically, etc.

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