Director of International Affairs, University of Cologne, Germany met with Vice-President for International Affairs
Director of International Affairs, University of Cologne, Germany met with Vice-President for International Affairs

Dr. Stefan Bildhauer, Director of International Affairs, University of Cologne , Germany met with Prof. Mohammad Bagher Ghahrmani , Vice President for International Affairs on 6 th March, 2016.
Given the MoU signed between the two universities, both sides emphasized on the necessity of expanding bilateral academic ties. Referring to the high academic reputation and record of Iranian professors and students, Dr. Beilhauer , expressed the readiness of his university to further develop collaboration. He gave a brief report of the scope of scientific activities in University of Cologne and mentioned that fields such as aging, physics, economy of technology and economic changes may be some of the topics of interest for activating the bilateral cooperation.
In this meeting in which the advisors to the deans of the College of Science(Prof. Mohammadipanah) , College of Engineering ( Prof. Delavar) and Faculty of World Studies( Prof. Ahouei), Director General of Office of International Relations,( Abdolmajid Eskandari) Director General for International Students(Prof. Akhoondzadeh), Head of Scientific International Cooperation Department ( Ms. Davanlou) and Head of Ranking Promotion Committee( Asemi) were present, both sides agreed to exchange ideas on the areas of natural sciences , engineering through partner university of Cologne in the region and also Iranian studies and exchange of students for short term periods and professors for sabbatical leave
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