President of the Swiss Confederation Presented a Lecture in University of Tehran
President of the Swiss Confederation Presented a Lecture in University of Tehran

H.E. Mr. Johann Schneider-Ammann, President of the Swiss Confederation presented a lecture on : Lessons from the Swiss Economic Model” in the presence of Prof. Farhadi, Minister of Science, Research and Technology, Prof. Nili Ahmadabadi, President of University of Tehran , Prof. Jafarian, President of Tehran University of Medical Science and a great number of professors and students in particular from the Faculty of Economics on 28 February, 2016.
The full text of his speech will be posted very soon in this website. A quotation from his speech on higher education reads:
“This presentation of the “Swiss Economic model” would remain incomplete without a particular mention of our prestigious universities, of our well-structured education system and our willingness to cooperate on international research and innovation. Switzerland's higher education environment, with its cantonal universities and the Federal Institutes of Technology, its universities of applied sciences and its universities of teacher education, offers a comprehensive and diverse range of high-quality institutions. Our universities achieve results that are highly regarded internationally and make certainly a significant contribution to the country's economic, cultural and social development and success. Young people and adults can follow in Switzerland either a vocational or an academic educational path, depending on their skills and talents. The education system is characterized by a high degree of permeability both within and between the vocational and academic strands. Companies benefit from highly qualified specialists and managers along the whole value chain”.
In this meeting Prof. Nili Ahmadabadi ,the President of University of Tehran and Prof. Mahdavi Mazdeh , the Dean of the Faculty of Economics, University of Tehran as the host presented welcome remarks and in the end of the speech by the President of Swiss Confederation three MoU’s were signed between University of Tehran and ETH Zurich and University of Zurich and also between Tehran University of Medical Science and EPFL.
The full text of speech is available at the following link:
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