Dr. Jose Rodriguez P., the Rector of Universidad Andres Bello, Chile met with Prof. Nili Ahmadabadi, the President of University of Tehran

Dr. Jose Rodriguez P., the Rector of Universidad Andres Bello, Chile met with Prof. Nili Ahmadabadi, the President of University of Tehran

17 February 2016 | 17:02 Code : 2963 News Events
Dr. Jose Rodriguez P., the Rector of Universidad Andres Bello, Chile met with Prof. Nili Ahmadabadi, the President of University of Tehran

In this meeting , the two sides exchanged ideas on mutual areas of cooperation and agreed to expand their collaboration in particular in the fields of astronomy, seismology(earthquake) and civil engineering. At the end of the meeting, both sides signed a MoU which will serve as a platform for further ties. The Presidents of both universiteis also expressed their agreement to help and assist with the exchange of students and professors.

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