UT Confucius Institute  and Yunnan University Annual Board Meeting 2022 held virtually

17 July 2022 | 10:34 Code : 29581 News


At 10:30-12:30 Tehran, July 12, a meeting was held virtually between the two universities officials. The Moderator of the program was: Ms. WU Yun, Director of Confucius Institutes Office, Yunnan University and the Language of the program was Chinese-English with simultaneous interpretation service.

The following schedule was performed.


10:30-10:40 Moderator introduced board members of both universities

10:40-10:50 Vice President Professor Seyed Mohamad Marandi of University of Tehran delivered a talk.

10:50-11:00 Vice President Professor HU Jinming of Yunnan University delivered a talk.

11:00-11:15 CIUT Chinese Director Dr. LI Mei reported on the CIUT operation in 2021.

11:15-11:35 CIUT Iranian Director Dr. Amin Bazrafshan reported on the CIUT financial operation from June 2019 to June 2022, as well as CIUT annual plan in 2022.

11:35-12:30  Discussion on important items.

Yunnan University:

HU Jinming      Vice President

YANG Wei      Director of Office of International Cooperation and Communication

WU Yun         Director of Confucius Institutes Office

WANG Weidong  Dean of Faculty of Literature

LI Mei          CIUT Chinese Director

University of Tehran participants:

Prof. Marandi, Vice-President for International Affairs

Prof. Alavi, Dean, Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literature

Prof. Bazrafshan, Iranian Director of Confucius Institute

Prof. Vafaei, Deputy Director General, Office of International Relations

Abdolmajid Eskandari, Director General, Office of International Relations

Ms. Asgari, Head of Accounting Department

Important items for discussing:

The Board reviewed and approved CIUT operation and financial reports in 2021

The Board reviewed and approved CIUT work plan in 2022.

The Board discusses on furthering CIUT development

Propelling “Chinese+” cooperation between Yunnan University and University of Tehran: “2+2” graduate joint program

Establishing the Iran-China Center for Arts and Humanities Communications and expanding non-Chinese-language-study academic and research collaboration between the two universities: world studies, disciplines of agriculture, water science, materials science etc.

Examining a model of “Chinese + Vocational Skills”: preparing students for future careers that need not only the Chinese language skill, but also practical skills applicable to for example tourism, business etc.

Preparation for the 100th anniversary of establishment of Yunnan University

Follow-up on preparation for the first patch of Chinese teachers returning to Iran.

The Board decided upon members of the next board meeting.

The Board decided upon time and location of the next board meeting

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