Joint International Conferences in DANUBIUS University, Galati, Romania

28 May 2015 | 23:17 Code : 2699 News
Joint International Conferences in DANUBIUS University, Galati, Romania

10th Edition European Integration: Realities and Perspectives and 5th Edition, The global advancement of universities and colleges were held at DANUBIUS University, Galati, Romania on May 17-18, 2015. At the sideline of these events, the honorary doctorate degree of DANUBIUS University was awarded to Prof. Chan, the President of SIAS University in China. The events were held with the support of many institutions including AUAP to which Prof. Nili Ahmadabadi is the Second Vice President. In this meeting Abdolmajid Eskandari, Director General, Office of International Relations, University of Tehran had a presentation on international cooperation.

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