The 5th General Assembly of CONFERMO was held on 7, and 8 November 2013 in the presence of Deputy President of AUF in La Sagesse University in Lebanon.

18 November 2013 | 12:06 Code : 2667 News
The 5th General Assembly of CONFERMO was held on 7 ,and 8 November 2013 in the presence of Deputy President of AUF in La Sagesse University in Lebanon.

The 5th General Assembly of CONFERMO was held on 7, and 8 November 2013 in the presence of Deputy President of AUF in La Sagesse University in Lebanon. In this conference voting was made to appoint the President and Members of its Executive Committee and Prof. Gholamreza Zehtabian , Director General for Academic Services , University of Tehran was elected as a member of the Executive Committee . The other members are from Lebanon, Pakistan and Egypt.

CONFERMO was established in 2007 and today 43 presidents of the universities, vice-presidents and senior managers of universities in 13 countries of the Middle East Region who are members of AUF are members of it as well.

The link of the news in details can be accessed through the following link: