Training Courses and Workshops at College of Agriculture and Natural Resources

18 May 2013 | 18:15 Code : 2660 News
Training Courses and Workshops at College of Agriculture and Natural Resources

Proposed Training Courses for International Collaborations
Agricultural & Natural Resources College, University of Tehran, Karaj, IRAN

Workshop Title



Course duration


Fee per person


Bioinformatics: Basic and Advanced Insights


DNA and Protein Databases (NCBI, EMBL, DBJ…), Pairwise and multiple alignment of sequences (BLAST, …), Computer Softwares for Multiple Alignment, Primer design (gene specific and degenerate primers), Genome projects, Gene finder, ORF finder, Codon bias, EST and UniGene databases, EST profiling, Protein motif and domain analysis, Finding promoters, In Silico expression and cloning, Contig assembly, Sequencing data analysis and troubleshooting, Modelling and prediction of protein structure, Training softwares (Vector NTI, DNA Star, GeneDoc, Mega5, CLC Bio, Primer3 Plus,…)



Gene Cloning and Transformation into Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes


Regulatory sequences and Regulatory engineering, Primer design strategies, Primer design softwares, Homology search in databases, Find genes and promoters, Design gene cloning strategy, RACE PCR, Nested PCR, Digestion, Gel recovery, Ligation (T4, TOPO and GateWay Cloning), Sequencing, Transformation into competent cells (Heat shock/ electroporation), Selection of transformed and recombinant colonies, Colony PCR, Plasmid DNA extraction, Expression and Binary vectors, DNA/RNA and protein extraction, Agrobacterium gene transformation, GUS assay, GFP/YFP assay, Gene Gun transformation, Floral dip methodology, selection techniques for transgenic lines (PCR using gene specific primers/Promoter-terminator primers, Sothern blot, Western blot, RT-PCR), Biosafety of GMO,s and related protocols



Gene Silencing Applications: Antisense, RNAi and VIGS


Cloning technologies, In Silico Cloning and modelling, Antisense, RNAi and VIGS, Primer design and gene silencing constructs, RNAi constructs, VIGS vectors and constructs (TRV1/TRV2), Phenotypic markers to detect silencing in different tissues, pds and Chalcone synthase gene structure, Agro infiltration



Molecular Markers: Basic and Advanced Applications


Theory and applied courses about different molecular markers, i.e. RAPDs, ISSRs, SSRs, AFLPs, RFLPs, SNPs and statically analysis of morphological and Molecular traits, as well as Map-based cloning of genes and QTLs, BSA and Marker Assisted Selection (MAS)



Basic Principles of RT-PCR and Real-Time PCR


Primer and Probe design, DNA/RNA extraction, cDNA synthesis, One Step and Two Step RT-PCR, Housekeeping gene selection, Basic principles of Real-Time PCR, Detection formats (SYBR Green, TaqMan probes, HybProbe Probes), Absolute and relative quantification, Gene expression analysis, Melt curve analysis, Bioinformatics and data analysis (Pfaffl, E-method, ∆∆Ct)



Advanced Principles of Real-Time PCR


Bioinformatics and primer and probe design, DNA/RNA extraction and cDNA synthesis, Advanced principles of Real-Time PCR, Real-Time PCR detection formats (SYBR Green, TaqMan probes, HybProbe Probes, ResoLight for HRM, Scorpion, …), Standard curve analysis for absolute and relative quantification, Gene expression analysis by Ct method, DNA methylation analysis, SNPs detection and haplotyping, Qualitative detection (Absence/Presence), GMO,s detection, De novo mutation detection by HRM analysis, Training softwares (Oligo Calculator, Beacon designer, Primer Express)



Applied Techniques in Molecular Labs


Bioinformatics and primer design, DNA/RNA extraction, PCR and RT-PCR, Electrophoresis, DNA gel recovery, PCR product and digestion product purification, Ligation (T4, TOPO and GateWay Cloning), Competent cells (Bacteria and Yeast), Transformation (Heat shock and electroporation), Selection media, Select transformed and recombinant cells, Digestion and Colony PCR, Plasmid DNA extraction, Principles of Sequencing, In vitro gene expression, Cloning and Binary vectors, Protein extraction, Purification of recombinant proteins from E. coli, Agrobacterium gene transformation, Gene Gun transformation, Floral dip transformation, selection techniques for transgenic lines



Effectormics: Tools for Breeding Resistance to Pathogens


Pathogens Genome Browser, Plant-Pathogen interactions, Gene-for-Gene theory, Different types of effectors, Agro infiltration, Agro infection, Agro co-infiltration, PVX tooth pick, VIGS, High throughput phenotyping using Chlorophyll Fluorescence Imaging



Recombinant Proteins


Recombinant protein technology, international trades, Cloning strategies, Gene cloning and expression, Expression vectors i.e. pET, Bacterial cell induction, Isolation and Purification of recombinant proteins, protein production in plants, Agro infiltration



Genetic Engineering of Plants


Principles of growing model plants (Arabidopsis thaliana, Nicotinia benthamiana), Tissue culture and embryogenesis, Agrobacterium gene transformation protocols, Transformation by Gene Gun, Floral dip transformation, Hairy roots production using Agrobacterium rhizogenesis, Making cloning, expression and binary constructs, DNA/RNA extraction,

High throughput DNA extraction of putative transgenic plants, DNA gel recovery and PCR product purification, Ligation protocols, Competent cells, Transformation (Heat shock and electroporation), Selection media, Select transformed and recombinant cells, Digestion and Colony PCR, Plasmid DNA extraction, Direct sequencing and plasmid sequencing, In vitro gene expression, Protein extraction, Selection techniques for transgenic lines (PCR, RT-PCR, Southern blot. Western blot, Real-Time gene expression), GUS assay



High Resolution Melting Curve Analysis (HRM): De novo Genotyping and Allelic Discrimination


HRM Technology, SYBR Green vs. Resolight dye, HRM informatics, SNPs genotyping, Allelic discrimination, Gene Haplotyping, De Novo mutation detection, HRM data analysis



Diversity, Evolution and Molecular Phylogeny


Genetic diversity using molecular markers, Genetic data scoring, Inter- and Intra-specific relationships, Chloroplast genome and cpDNA diversity and Phylogeny, Mitochondria genome, Phylogenetic tree, IRAP, IGS and ITS markers, PCR-RFLP, Phylogenetic softwares (PAUP, Darwin, etc.)



Electrophoresis and Blotting Techniques


Agarose and Acrilamide gel electrophoresis,  PFGE for large segment separation, SDS-PAGE, Southern Blot, Northern Blot, Western Blot



Plant tissue culture


History and principles of plant tissue culture, Chemical, composition and preparation of culture media, transfer and sub-culturing of explants into multiplication and rooting media



Phytochemical analysis


Metabolic and essential oil extractions, Metabolic analysis by HPLC, TLC, Gas chromatography (GC), Metabolic engineering



Seed Quality Testing and Evaluation


Seed sampling, Vigour test methods, Pure seed definition, Seedling evaluation, Tetrazolium testing, Seed health testing, variety testing, Quality Assurance System




The Program

The course will include lectures and laboratory training.
Registration fee covers training course package, lunches, dinners, delegate bag, free internet access, coffee breaks, hotel charge (Hotel Pardis, Karaj) and airport transfer.



Applicants must be BS, MSc or PhD students, postdoctoral fellows or young academics in possession of a PhD with the appropriate background knowledge of biology. Applicants must be perfectly fluent in English.


Mode of application

In order to apply, candidates should submit the following documents:

  1. A condensed CV of no more than 3 pages, listing all publications.
  2. A one page abstract describing the candidate's own research.

The above documents should be sent by e-mail or mail to:

Dr. Mohammad Reza Naghavi

Address: College of Agriculture & Natural Resources, University of Tehran, Karaj, 31587-11167, IRAN
Phone: +98 26 32227608
Fax: +98 26 32227608


We also welcome any short, medium and long periods for students and academics in our college in following area:

  1. Animal science
  2. Plant science (physiology, ecology and plant breeding)
  3. Plant protection
  4. Horticultural science
  5. Bioinformatics
  6. Genetic engineering of plants and animals
  7. Diversity, evolution and molecular phylogeny
  8. Plant tissue culture
  9. Seed science and technology
  10. Phytochemical and molecular analysis of medicinal plants