An online lecture on  Informal Interests in Land in Hong Kong

13 March 2022 | 13:16 Code : 26516 Events

Monday, March 7, 2022

Steven Gallagher, Professor of Practice in Law, Associate Dean (Academic & Student Affairs), CUHK Faculty of Law presented an online lecture on “ Informal Interests in Land in Hong Kong" at the Institute of Comparative Law , Faculty of Law and Political Science.

Steven Gallagher is a Professional Consultant, Professor of Practice in Law (by courtesy), and Associate Dean (Academic & Student Affairs). Steven has taught various aspects of property law in England and Hong Kong. In 2013, Steven introduced the Principles of Art, Antiquities, Cultural Heritage and the Law course to the LLM program at CUHK LAW.

Steven presents a range of continuing professional development courses for solicitors in Hong Kong on topics in property law, art law, and law and technology. Steven’s research interests include issues in property law, legal history, the development of policy and law intended to promote and protect art, antiquities and cultural heritage, law and technology, and innovative ways to teach law. The latter includes using superhero films for problem based learning, flipped classrooms and digital learning initiatives promoting asynchronous and distance learning. Steven has several books and dozens of articles in his field of research, including the following:

Equity and Trusts in Hong Kong: Doctrines, Remedies and Institutions, Second edition (Hong Kong: Sweet & Maxwell September 2020).

The Annotated Ordinances of Hong Kong: Landlord and Tenant (Consolidation) Ordinance (Cap 7) (Hong Kong: LexisNexis, May 2020).

Equity and Trusts: Centuries in the Making. In Chinese (China: Law Press, 2018)

Steven has been widely quoted in newspapers and television reports regarding legal issues involving art and cultural heritage. In 2012, Steven won the Vice-Chancellor’s Exemplary Teaching Award from CUHK University. Among the most important activities of Steven can be mentioned Arbitrator for the Court of Arbitration for Art, The Hague. (August 2019); Pro-bono advice for a number of Hong Kong museums and artists on art and heritage related issues; Member, Editorial Committee of the Hong Kong Law Society’s journal, The Hong Kong Lawyer (2010- 2020); Consultant for the Department of Justice on the revisions to Hong Kong’s law of trusts implemented December 1, 2013.

The meeting was held Monday, March 7, 2022. The two-hour meeting reviewed the doctrine of informal property rights and their application in Hong Kong. In the second part, Professor Gallagher answered the questions of the informal property protection system in Hong Kong for about thirty minutes.

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