Lecture Report

22 February 2022 | 14:59 Code : 26128 Events

Monday, February 21, 2021

Foroud Shirvani, Professor of Public Law, University of Bonn,Faculty of Law and Economics presented an online lecture on “ The right of property in the German constitution and its influence on the legal system" at the Institute of Comparative Law , Faculty of Law and Political Science.

Foroud Shirvani (* 1974 in Isfahan , Iran ) is a German legal scholar of Iranian descent and lecturer at the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn . After graduating from Luitpold-Gymnasium (Munich) in 1994, Shirvani began studying law at the University of Munich in the same year , which he completed in 1999 with the first state examination in law. He completed his legal clerkship and passed his second state examination in 2001. Shirvani then worked as a research assistant at Hans-Jürgen Papier's Munich chair until 2004 . In 2004 he completed his doctorate in Munich , supervised by Udo Di Fabio . iur. and then became a research assistant at the Chair of Paper. Under his supervision, Shirvani completed his habilitation in 2009 and received the Venia legendi for the subjects Public law , European law , administrative science , constitutional history of the modern age and general political theory . This was followed by professorships at the universities of Bayreuth , Freiburg , Göttingen and Gießen between 2009 and 2013 . From 2008 to 2014 he also worked as a lecturer at the Munich School of Politics and in 2009 as Visiting Fellow at the University of Oxford. Since the 2013/14 winter semester, Shirvani has been a full professor at the Gottfried Meulenbergh Endowed Professorship for public law, in particular fundamental property rights, at the University of Bonn . Since 2015 Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the ''Deutsche Stiftung Eigentum". He is also Authorised legal representative in proceedings before constitutional courts and Legal expert in legislative procedures in Germany. Shirvanis research interests are mainly in the ownership and state liability law in environmental law , the party and parliamentary law, social law (especially in its constitutional foundations, the health insurance law and hospital law ) as well as in municipal and police law.

The meeting was held on Monday, February 21, 2021. In this meeting, Dr. Shirvani explained the philosophy of property rights and related theories, explained the structure of property rights in German civil code and constitution, and examined the aspects of property protection in German law.


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