The New Civil Code in China

19 October 2021 | 14:07 Code : 22586 Events

Monday, October 18,2021

Hao Jiang, Assistant Professor of comparative private law - Bocconi University, Department of Legal Studies, presented an online lecture on “ The New Civil Code in China: Promises and Perils of a New Civil Law" at the Institute of Comparative Law , Faculty of Law and Political Science.

Hao Jiang is the assistant professor of comparative private law who joins Bocconi’s department of legal studies in fall 2020. Before joining Bocconi University, he taught at Tulane Law School as a visiting assistant professor and experienced numerous collaborations with the Tulane Law School’s prestigious professor of comparative law, James Gordley. He has also taught at the City University of Hong Kong, Paris II, and Trieste. Hao conducted post-doctoral research at Max Planck Institute of Comparative and Private International law and His field of study is American, Chinese, and European comparative private law. Professor Jiang has authored several books, the most famous of which is An Introduction to the Comparative Study of Private Law (Second Edition, Cambridge University Press), published in December 2020 in collaboration with Professor James Gordley and Arthur von Mehren. He has been a member of the New York State Bar since 2011 and a member of the European Law Institute since 2021.

The meeting was held Monday, October 18, 2021. In this meeting, Professor Jiang described China's new civil code innovations in the light of State interest in contract law, structural innovations, Legal Transplants and philosophical difference,with emphasized on the 

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