Virtual Welcome Ceremony for a UT Adjunct Professor (Kish International Campus)

28 August 2021 | 10:04 Code : 19881 Events


On 25 August 2021, Prof. Sung-Do Kim was virtually welcome as a new adjunct professor at the Department of English Language and Literature, Kish International Campus.

This meeting was held in the presence of the following officials and faculty members:

  1. Prof. Sarrafzadeh, Vice President for International Affairs
  2. Prof. Zendedel, Scientific Vice President of Kish International Campus
  3. Prof. Dehmardeh, Head of Department of English Language and Literature
  4. Prof. Khajeian, Deputy Director General for International Students and Professors
  5. Dr. Majid, Expert on International Affairs
  6. Abdolmajid Eskandari, Director General , Office of International Relations

The text of appointment of Prof. Sung-Do Kim reads as follows:

Prof. Sungdo Kim

The honorable adjunct professor at Department of Linguistics , Korea University

Prof. Sungdo Kim

In recognition of your valuable experiences and scientific background, on the basis of the suggestion made by the Kish International Campus, University of Tehran and in accordance with the decree of the University Recruitment Committee dated June 23, 2021, you are hereby appointed as the Adjunct Professor of Kish International Campus for three years.

It is hoped that by your support and collaboration, we will witness the enhancement and promotion of the scientific level of Kish International Campus.

Truly yours,

Prof. Mahmoud Nili Ahmadabadi,

President, University of Tehran

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