The 2nd AUAP Zoom Forum on Managing Covid-19 Pandemic: Experiences, Challaenges and Best Practices meeting held

The 2nd AUAP Zoom Forum, tagged: "Managing COVID-19 Pandemic: Experiences, Challenges and Best Practices", scheduled on June 30, 2021 13:00 pm, Manila time, Philippines / 12:00 pm, Bangkok time, Thailand was held.
This event featured four (4) notable speakers; Dr. Shawn Chen, Chairman, Sias University, China, AUAP Board Member, Prof. Dr. Hossam Hamdy, Chancellor, Gulf Medical University, United Arab Emirates, AUAP Advisory Council Member, Prof. Dr. Kyung-Yong Kim, Director, International Relations Office, Daegu Health College, South Korea, AUAP Country Chapter Chair Committee Member, and Dr. Mansoor Alaali, President, Ahlia University, Bahrain.
Prof. Abbas Bazargan, Faculty Member of the Faculty of Pscyhology and Educational Science and Abdolmajid Eskandari, Director General, Office of International Relations, University of Tehran participated in this virtual Forum.
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