Online lecture by Harvard professor at UT

23 June 2021 | 13:58 Code : 17733 Events

Kristen A. Stilt, Faculty Director of Animal Law and Policy Program, and Director of Program on Law and Society in the Muslim World at Harvard Law School presented an online lecture on “ A Comparative Legal Study of Food, Faith, and the Future of Planetary Health" at the Institute of Comparative Law , Faculty of Law and Political Science, University of Tehran.

Kristen Stilt is Professor of Law, Faculty Director of Animal Law and Policy Program, and Director of Program on Law and Society in the Muslim World at Harvard Law School. She holds a J.D from the University of Texas and a Ph.D. in History and Middle East Studies from Harvard University. Prior to joining Harvard, she was a Professor of International Law and History at Northwestern University. Due to his special legal studies, Professor Stilt has received a variety of awards, including the 2013 award from the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation and the Andrew Carnegie Scholar Chair in Constitutional Law Research, as well as numerous awards from the Fullbright. Stilt has dozens of articles in the fields of Islamic law, Human rights Law, and Animal Law that have been published in prestigious American journals

The meeting was held Monday, June 21, 2021. In this meeting, Professor Stilt first revealed the annual statistics of animal slaughter to secure the right to food, and then addressed the pathology of the establishment of animal farms in human life from various dimensions and analyzed the legal provisions related to the prohibition of the establishment of animal farms.

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