UT President and 5 professors selected as chairman / members of AUAP committees

01 May 2021 | 10:09 Code : 16137 Events

UT President and 5 professors were selected by AUAP to serve in the specialized committees of AUAP. The name-list is as follows:

  1. Prof. Mahmoud Nili Ahmadabadi, (UT President), Chairman, Digital Transformation Committee

  1. Prof. Mohammad Hossein Sarrafzadeh, (UT Vice President for International Affairs), Country Chapter Chair Committee

  1. Prof. Mohammad Bagher Ghahramani, (UT Faculty Member, College of Fine Arts) Country Chapter Chair Committee

  1. Prof. Omid Fatemi, (UTEC Director), Digital Transformation Committee

  1. Prof. Abbas Ghanbari Baghestan (UT Director General for Public Relations), Communications Committee

  1. Prof. Mahdi Pourfath, (Director General for Applied Researches), Research and Innovation Committee

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