Saint-Petersburg University Infosheet 2021- Student Exchange

17 March 2021 | 13:40 Code : 15535 Events

Saint-Petersburg University Infosheet 2021

General Information

Name:                                                             Saint-Petersburg University



Address:                                                          Universitetskaya nab. 7\9, 199034 Saint-Petersburg, Russia

Rector:                                                            Nikolay Kropachev (Mr.)

Senior Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs:     Marina Lavrikova (Ms.)

Vice-Rector for International Affairs:            Sergey Andryushin (Mr.)

International Academic Cooperation department

Tel.:                                                                 +7 (812) 3287562

Fax:                                                                 +7 (812) 3281551

E-mail address:                                     

Head of department:                                       Ms. Koytova Veronika


Incoming mobility                                           Ms. Petryanina Ekaterina


Outgoing mobility                                           Aleksandra Chubsa


Departmental coordinators:                 ,-spsu-academic-office


Student Exchange Requirements:

Quota - according to the Protocol on Student Exchange.

Equal distribution of quotas between semesters preferable. Enlargement of the quota is possible upon agreement on bilateral basis.

Level of Studies: undergraduate (Bachelor) or graduate (Master). PhD students accepted only in case a consent from a scientific advisor from SPbU is provided

Semester: exchange in both autumn and spring semester possible. Equal distribution of quotas between semester preferable. Exchange for the full academic year is possible from autumn semester only.

Application Procedure and Deadlines

Application procedure details:  

Applications are accepted online through the form on the website. Paper copy is not required.

Application and nomination deadlines:

Full academic year

01 May

Fall semester

01 May

Spring semester

10 October

Academic Calendar

Academic year:                                1 September – 30 June

Autumn semester

01.09 – 31.01


01.09 – 25.12


25.12 – 31.01

recommended arrival dates

25.08 – 28.08

Orientation week

27.08 – 04.09

Spring semester

10.02 – 30.06


10.02 – 25.05


25.05 – 30.06

recommended arrival dates

01.02 – 04.02

Orientation week

03.02 – 10.02

Fields of Studies

SPbU teaches courses in Russian and English. Some courses are also instructed in German, French, Spanish and Chinese.

Full Academic Offer: 

Academic Workload and Russian Language Course

Average workload for exchange students is 20 academic hours (10 classes) per week (30 ECTS credits per semester).

Students can optionally take a free Russian language course for foreign students during the whole exchange period (8 academic hours per week). If chosen, Russian language course is included into the academic workload for students.

Full-time Russian language course for foreign students (20 academic hours per week) is also available at any level of Russian language proficiency. Philology should be chosen as the field of studies in this case.

Language Requirements

Exchange students can be enrolled in SPbU only if their chosen language of instruction level is not lower than B2 in accordance with the European Language Level Self Assessment Grid. Students need to provide SPbU incoming mobility coordinator with a certificate of chosen language of instruction (Russian or English). Exception to this is made for the students who apply to full-time Russian language course for foreign students. It is available for students with any level of Russian language proficiency, but English language proficiency of at least B1 is required.


Address for exchange students                                   Kapitanskaya str. 3, Saint- Petersburg (may be subject studying in Saint-Petersburg                                       to change, is confirmed by the coordinator about 1

week before the beginning of the semester)

Address for students studying                        Botanicheskaya str. 66/2 (may be subject to change)

in Peterhof campus (Management (Bachelor), 

Applied Mathematics, Chemistry,

Physics, Mathematics and Mechanics):

Accommodation fee:                                                  about 4900 RUR per month

Application:                                                                included into the application form


It is necessary to check the acceptance letter and e-mail before departure to make sure that the dormitory wasn’t changed.

Visa Procedure

Before arrival to SPbU exchange students will receive Acceptance Letters with the information about scholarship and housing. It’s just a confirmation of successful consideration of the application.

Additionally exchange students will receive official Visa Invitation Letters. Invitation Letters are issued by the Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation. This procedure usually takes from 30 to 45 days. Approximately 1 month before the proposed arrival date they will be forwarded to the students by e-mail.

To get visa exchange student will have to apply to the Consulate / Embassy of the Russian Federation in their country with the official Visa Invitation Letter from SPbU.

Following the common rules single-entry visa for 90 days is issued first. Upon arrival to SPbU exchange students will be able to extend the visa and get the multiple-entry one.

It’s forbidden to apply for tourist or any other type of visa because it will deny the student’s enrollment to SPbU.

Practical Information

Library:                                                           Universitetskaya nab. 7/9, Saint-Petersburg

Library card can be received at the main library

after getting a student ID

Airport Pick-up Service:                                Airport pick-up service can be available during the recommended arrival dates (25-28.08 and 01-04.02). Registration for the pick-up service is made via the buddy application

ESN SPbU:                                                    Student organization ESN SPbU organizes a buddy programme and social events for incoming SPbU exchange students. Information about the ESN activities and registration is sent to the approved students by e-mail app. 1 month before arrival

SPbU Ambassador Programme             (reviews about exchange studies at SPbU and former students contacts)

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