A high-ranking delegation from Damascus University, Syria visits UT

09 March 2021 | 14:19 Code : 15373 Events

On 9 March, 2021, a high-ranking delegation from Damascus University, Syria paid a visit to University of Tehran and met with Prof. Mohammad Rahimian, Vice President for Research.

This meeting was held in the presence of Prof. Rezaei, Dean of College of Farabi, Prof. Abdolahi, Advisor to the Dean of College of  Farabi, Prof. Yazdan Panah, Secretary for the Working Group of  Arab Speaking  Countries, Abdolmajid Eskandari, Director General for Office of International Affairs, Ms.  Ebrahimi, Head of Department for International Cooperation and Mr. Yazdnyar, Chief of Protocol.

The Syrian delegation from Damascus University were comprised of the following officials:

  1. Prof. Issam ALKhori, Deputy DU President for Scientific Affairs
  2. Prof. Mhd Firas, Alhinnawi, Deputy Du President for Research Affairs
  3. Prof. Maysaa Alsyoufi, Director of International Office
  4. Dr. Ghaith Warkozek, Director of Research Office
  5. Dr. Mohamamd Saeed Abou Trab, Deputy Dean of ITE Faculty for Scientific Affairs and The Coordinator of MOM 

The main areas of discussion in the meeting were as follows:

  • Sandwich course programs
  • Exchange of faculty members and students
  • Participating in judgment committees for joint researches
  • Exchange of experience on innovation centers and science parks
  • Collaborating on publishing papers in journals of both universities  
  • Cooperating in IT and digital technologies  
  • Holding joint webinars

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