UT-TUSM International Festival was held

14 February 2021 | 12:21 Code : 14924 Events

On 13 February, 2021, the UT-TUMS International Festival event was held in the presence of the presidents of both universities, high ranking officials, foreign ambassadors, cultural attaché, international students and staff both physically and virtually.

The program was associated with showing clips and live music performances and video messages of UT and TUMS international students and graduates and other local and foreign authorities.  

Prof. Nili Ahmadabadi, President of UT in his speech said, “Today we are witnessing the 10th international festival that of course in recent two years, this event has been held jointly in association with TUMS. Comparing it with previous festival or other festivals, it should be said that the previous festivals were providing more joy and exitments because of phyiscal presence of international and Iranian students with their diverse programs. But we are still thankful to the God that this opportunity has been provided to have the festival in the current situation and of course with the use of technology”.

He added, “All recent events which have had impact on higher education resulting from the phenomenon of corona virus. This virus has brought the whole world into a shock, though it has provided certain opportunities. Besides every other issue which have been fulfilled, Corona virus reminded us that development of progress of human in particular in two recent centuries have made him proud and leading to a situation in which the basic and important issues were ignored”.

He also reiterated, “That an epidemic can still threat human was forgotten and most concentration was on non-communicable diseases. Corona virus once again showed that despite all scientific development, human is still facing the threats and should consider all aspects. The noticeable point was an emphasize on the unique role of the position of science and knowledge and that nothing can be replaced with science. The hope of all people of the world is to use science to fight against Corona virus. This showed us that without science, human will return to the Middle Ages”.

He further added, “We are very pleased that UT and TUMS as the oldest and most significant universities in Iran are pioneers in international issues. These two universities have been effective not only on national ground but in international scene, they are beside each other seriously in one way or another. For example , the two universities have had outstanding activities in two important associations as the President or member. Presence of international students, conducting projects and joint programs and presence of students and professors of these two universities in most prestigious universities in the world have been the main factors for unity in science among different countries and universities. we need to enforce these situations and develop it more than any other time in the past. The presence of ambassadors and cultural attaché in this event indicates the backup and significance which different countries attaché to academic and international relations in the area of science and technology and I use this opportunity to welcome all.

In another part of his talks, President Nili Ahmadabadi said, “Upon the spread of corona pandemic, we moved towards virtual educations and did not have any fall as far as contents and coverage are concerned. We also tried to provide necessary facilities. We tried to support international student. Of course there might be some problems but UT did it best not to lag behind the circuit of science and knowledge and this virus could not impose backwardness upon us.

UT in this crisis undertook a great duty. Today more than seven thousand courses are presented virtually to Iranian and international students. I hope in cooperation with the people of the whole world, we could overcome this disease. What is ambiguous is the post-corona events. All forecasts might be correct and different. It depends on which rate we can overcome the disease a. I do not know what will be the feelings of human after this virus and how they will act. It is hard time and we are in the middle of the way and after crises, the condition will be different but I hope we could experience a better condition and find a time for further empathy.

At the end of his remarks, President Nili Ahmadabdi appreciated all selected top activities in the festival.

Prof. Abbasali Karimi, President of TUMS also said, “ I do not  feel sorrow for this virtual event , since this phenomenon is by itself a sign of other feature of science and shows no facto can deter the progress of science.

He also added, “since the spread of Corona virus up to today, TUMS has mobilized all its specialized and treatment facilities to be at the disposal of clients and patients.

We have increased the sections like ICU and also our number of treatment cadre by three times. Despite all loses, we feel proud that today after three waves of disease, our treatment cadre are still in hospitals and continue treatment and do not reflect any bad reaction to people;”

Prof. Karimi also referred to the top position of TUMS in international and national ranking and the presence of foreign students in his university.

At the end of his remarks, he added, “UT and TUMS have performed their social responsibilities very well in line with the admission of foreign students and have solved many problems in the country from the viewpoint of science and training human forces.

Prof. Sarrafzadeh Vice President for International Affairs at UT and Prof. Kordi, Vice President for International Affairs at TUMS also had presentations in addition to representatives of faculty members and students.

Prof. Sarrafzadeh presented his remarks  as follows:   

Distinguished foreign and Iranian professors, students, Respectable President of University of Tehran and President of Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Foreign Ambassadors to I.R. of Iran, Partner Universities,

Ladies and Gentleman

It is a great pleasure for me to welcome you all to the 10th (Tenth) University of Tehran –Tehran University of Medial Sciences Joint International Festival.

Thanks to the collective efforts of the academic body of both universities, we have had great achievements, with a global reputation in most of the ranking systems. Our universities are in interaction with the prestigious universities and higher education institutions globally. We have had a great past and contributing to the promotion of knowledge and constantly pursuing the enhancement of the human society.

The Third Five-Year Strategic Plan of University of Tehran has three main pillars, i.e. Internationalization, Entrepreneurial University and Social Responsibility and this shows the significance of international programs in University of Tehran .  

Given the Pandemic Corona Virus, and new conditions, the method of education is changing fast and we need to discover new innovative mechanisms to keep up with all the changes. UT and TUMS attach great significance to the support of every single international collaborator to prevent any disruption in the education and to overcome the challenges.

Keeping an eye on the fundamental values of higher education, our universities are moving ahead at international scene to promote the quality and absorb more talented students and professors and to help with the further flourishing state of knowledge at the service of our nations.  

One of the strategic objectives of University of Tehran and Tehran University of Medical Sciences is internationalization and we are working together in association with our international partners to have a dynamic presence at international academic community.

Both UT and TUMS believe that it is necessary to interact with the world and host the international students and professors and work with partner universities throughout the world to make the world a better place for everybody.

It is my great pleasure that today we host you as our national and international guests virtually in this auspicious international festival and wish you enjoy the programs.

I welcome you and look forward to cooperating further with you over many years to come.

Thank you

At this ceremony, the video message of ambassador of Italy, ambassador of Kirgizstan and Head of Iranian Department at Saint Petersburg University were presented. The program had also two music performance and the efforts of selected professors, students and staffs was acknowledged by granting them Plaque of Appreciation.  Ambassador of Australia to I.R. of Iran also presented a short remark on the academic collaboration between Australia and Iranian universities. 

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