Electric Buses Tapped to Help Curtail Tehran Air Pollution

31 January 2021 | 14:38 Code : 14700 News

An initiative has been launched in Tehran to convert old fossil-fuel-burning buses into electric vehicles for curbing air pollution and bolstering the aging public transportation fleet

Iran’s Vice President for Science and Technology has launched a joint initiative with the University of Tehran for converting diesel- and gas-powered buses currently operating in the capital city into electric vehicles.

According to Shahriar Zeini, the head of Space Technologies Development Center at the vice presidential office, the project is aimed at curbing air pollution in the capital and bolstering the aging public transportation fleet, Mehr News Agency reported.

He said the project entails the replacement of the vehicles’ combustion components with electric engine system, performance optimization and weight reduction.

Up to 80% of electric parts, including drive system, engines, batteries, DC converters and chargers, have been locally produced with the collaboration of Iranian knowledge-based companies,” he said.

Zeini noted that the first prototype is planned to be unveiled in early June.

“This is a revolutionary move in the country’s transportation sector and a great investment opportunity,” he said, calling on private entities and state institution to propel the plan with their financial support.

Courtesy of Financial Tribune

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