A virtual meeting held between University of Tehran and St Petersburg University

30 December 2020 | 09:04 Code : 14189 Events

On 29 December, 2020, a meeting was held between President of University of Tehran and Rector of St Petersburg University, Russian Federation in the presence of a number of high-ranking administrative officials and academicians of both universities.

Taking into consideration the long-standing academic cooperation between the two universities, mutual visits of both high-ranking officials, Prof. Mahmoud Nili Ahmadabadi, President of University of Tehran and Professor Nikolay Kropachev expressed their desire to expand the already-established ties between the two universities.

In this meeting, the main topics of discussion included the followings:

  • Collaboration on online educational courses
  • Exchange of ideas on the expert experiences in connection with the pandemic corona virus 19
  • Holding joint seminars, conferences
  • Installation of the statues of eminent academicians (Mendeleev and Dehkhoda) in the campuses of each university
  • Organizing a joint committee on e-learning for degree and non-degree courses
  • Considering the opening the Office of St Petersburg University in UT Knowledge City at the vicinity of main campus in the area of technology and innovation
  • Considering the membership of UT in Online Education International Council
  • Working on institutionalizing the collaboration between the two universities
  • Pursuing the implementation of the contents of MoU's between the two universities
  • Supporting the joint projects between faculty members of both universities in various areas including biotechnology, nano-technology, oil and gas and IT
  • Considering signing a tripartite Letter of Cooperation between UT, St Peterburg University and MSRT to support the mutual projects under the suggested scheme of Dehkhoda- Mendeleev Joint Research Fund 
  • Considering the grant of honorary doctorate degrees to outstanding personalities of both universities and countries
  • Holding joint virtual meeting between academicians of both universities

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