Italian Ambassador meets with UT President

16 December 2020 | 10:22 Code : 13951 Events

Mr. Giuseppe Perrone, Italian Ambassador to Iran accompanied by Ms. Yaroslava Romanova, First Secretary (Cultural and Press) and Dr. Rosalia Gambatesa visiting Italian professor to UT met Prof. Mahmoud Nili Ahmadabadi , President of University of Tehran  on 15 December, 2020.

Emphasizing on the necessity of enhancing the already-established academic ties between UT and Italian universities, both sides expressed their will to expand the mutual collaboration within the framework of various programs.

The main topics which both sides discussed included the followings:

  • Promotion of exchange and mobility programs for students and faculty members
  • Joint research projects
  • Sabbatical leaves
  • Holding joint cultural and artistic exhibitions
  • Exchange of academic materials
  • Organizing meeting between the presidents of Iranian and Italian top universities
  • Supporting the establishment of Ph.D. programs of Italian language by dispatching qualified native instructors  
  • Holding thematic joint workshop on cinema, architecture, archaeology
  • Holding joint book exhibitions
  • Establishments of an association to boost cultural relations
  • Presentation of lecture by Italian ambassador at UT
  • Exchange of experience on the relation between university and industry
  • Using the facilities of UT partner universities in Italy and vice versa to reduce the costs
  • Collaboration within EU programs

The UT participants in this meeting were comprised of the following officials and academicians:  

Prof. Mohamamd Hossein Sarrafzadeh, Vice President for International Affairs, Prof. Zamani, Head of President's Office, Eskandari, Director General for Office of International Relations, Ms. Ebrahimi, Head of Department for International Relations, Prof. Goldansaz, Dean of College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Prof. Heidary, Dean of College of Fine Arts, Prof. Kiymarsi and Prof. Kiaei, (Department of Italian Language) from Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literature  and Prof. Moshirzadeh, Advisor to the Dean of Faculty of Law and Political Sciences on International Relations, Mr. Hassan Zadeh  and Mr. Yazdanyar, from Office of  Protocol  

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