AUAP-VEX Robotics Training Webinar

26 October 2020 | 10:52 Code : 13215 Events

The Association of Universities of Asia and the Pacific (AUAP) in collaboration with VEX Robotics will organize the AUAP-VEX Robotics Training Webinar on 03 December 2020.

The main purpose of this program is to provide a creative platform for young students, and educators to learn and hone their skills in Robotics amidst this pandemic.

Likewise, this program is designed to encourage and enhance creativity, teamwork, passion and problem solving  techniques in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI).

We will offer a free curriculum with different lesson plans on how to teach students coding online with   VEXcode VR which is a virtual  programming platform that enables students to code in real time, and the VEXcode VR Educator Certification (self-study program) for seventeen (17) hours.

This program is offered to all active AUAP members Free of Charge, and at the end of the training program, an e-Certificate will be awarded to each participant.

 Training will commence on 03 December 2020, hence, we encourage all members to register on or before 25 November, 2020.

 For more information and registration, please contact the AUAP Secretariat via email:

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