APQN International Conference

21 October 2020 | 12:52 Code : 13168 Events

Dear APQN members,

In addition to research, the other two most important functions of higher education are teaching and learning. The 12th Higher Education International Conference on "Teaching and Learning Quality Assurance in Higher Education under the Pandemic", jointly organized by the Macao Polytechnic Institute and the Asia-Pacific Quality Network, will be held online from 25 to 26 November 2020.

This conference will adopt a wide-ranging view of what constituted the factors impacting on teaching and learning, focusing on their innovation and development aspects. International scholars and experts in different disciplines are cordially invited to participate and submit papers for presentation at the conference on topics relating to teaching and learning quality of higher education.

Abstract Submission

Abstract submission is now extended till 7 November 2020. Interested colleagues may fill in the online paper submission form on or before this date.

Conference Topics

Suggested topics are:

1.         Opportunities and challenges of online education;

2.         Educational response mechanisms in the global crisis;

3.         Higher education institutions' curriculum adjustment to meet the needs of emerging industries;

4.         The future of education: quality assurance for online education;

5.         Flexible teaching and learning at higher education institutions under the pandemic: how to ensure high-quality higher education;

6.         Quality assurance of teaching in the context of "Internet + Education";

7.         How to assess the effectiveness of students' online learning;

8.         Teachers' professional development under the trend of online education;

9.         The impact of the epidemic on the international movement of students;

10.       Other relevant topics related to the conference theme.

 Registration and Fee

Registration for this conference is free.

Please take a moment to share this email with colleagues who might be interested to participate in this professional exchange on quality assurance in higher education. For details, please refer to the conference website here.



(853) 8599 6531 / 8599 6193


XU Yingjie

APQN Administrator

Asia-Pacific Quality NetworkAPQN)

 Web: www.apqn.org

E-mail: apqnsecretariat@163.com

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