UT professor writes about Mohammad Reza Shajarian
Mohammadreza Shajarian was the summit of Iran's mysticism and sound, and was a legend who rose from people and for people. He was at the same peak where Simurgh was nesting. His voice was charming since he was singing his heart out and his larynx was an instrument ready to take orders from people's hearts.
Be honest that live those who are honest
In the world, the honest are the most abled ones
The righteous are well-thought-of and get a good name
The dishonest will always be half-baked and raw. (Ouhadi Maraghehei)
Being the country of the arts, Iran has seen a whole lot of great voices to itself, but he was the extract of many Iranian music and sound streams in our territory. In the true sense of the word, he was a phenomenon in Iran's music and sound. One can never talk about Iran's noble music and sound and not mention him. He held the same position in Iran's music and sound that Ferdowsi did in Iran's Persian language. In point of fact, he not only was a master of Iranian music and sound, but also Iran's music itself and the pleasant voice of Iran.
I enjoyed the most when I was with him in my privacy. Art and music, and your voice truly energize everyone in any conditions. When doing scientific or vocational work, it raises our concentration. It is figured out that your voice donates the convergence of science, technology, art, and literature.
Pr. Dr. S.K.Alavi Panah
University of Tehran
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