Call for Participants

25 August 2020 | 00:00 Code : 12428 Events

IPD is proud to announce the next International Winter Programs, which are to be held in Switzerland. Applicants can choose between the 8-day Winter Academy and the 3-Month Research Program, which may be combined with the 8-day Training participation, depending on the application.

Participants will have access to expert knowledge and hands-on experience as all our facilitators are specialists with years of experience academically and professionally in their respective fields. This is truly a great opportunity not to be missed to get or refresh the knowledge, skills and create new worldwide friendship and Networks.


8 days Winter Academy: 1 - 8 December, 2020

3 Month Research Program: 1 December, 2020 - 28 February, 2021


15 September, 2020 for Early Bird Application Deadline

-1 November, 2020 for Late Application Payment Deadline


Basel, Switzerland,-2020/


8 Days Training Class Topics

- Mediation Techniques & Tools

- Advocacy & Communication Including practical exercises

International Law and International Institutions working for Peace and Security

- International Criminal Justice and the International Criminal Court

- Peace and Conflict Management / - Learning from the experiences of the participants

- Global Challenges related to Conflict and Peace / - In-depth learning sessions


Scholarship & Discount

IPD offers support for most needed potential participants in the form of reduced participation fees. Besides this we have  10% Discount opportunity if you are joining and paying together as a group of participants.

 We are looking forward to receive your filled application and will be glad to see you among us during upcoming Winter Programs 2020.


- Please share this event info among your colleagues, friends and networks. 

- Please update us by email also on your upcoming available job opportunities, internship, traineeship & volunteership positions, trainings, scholarship and conference programs. This kind of information will be so useful for our international network members.


Other IPD Useful Offers

- Visitor Researcher Program, VRP

Program Period: 3 - 12 Month (On Campus or Online)

Program Starts: Upon request & Individual Base
Venue: Basel, Switzerland,-VRP/



- Executive Diploma in Human Resources Management & Conflict Resolution

Call for Students for 2021 - 2022 Intake (On Campus or Online)

Application deadline: 1 June, 2020

Scholarship: Available until 25 March, 2021



 - Benefits for Sponsors & Call for Sponsors for 2020 - 2021


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