UT graduate appointed as the New President of Canadian Mathemtical Society

29 June 2020 | 00:00 Code : 11863 News


The Canadian Mathematical Society announces the end of Mark Lewis’s mandate as the Society’s President and welcomes the new President, Javad Mashreghi.

Dr. Lewis’s presidency marked a prosperous period for the CMS, both financially and scientifically. The most notable characteristic of his time as the president is his dedication to equity in mathematics. During Mark Lewis’s presidency, the CMS developed and approved a code of conduct and a diversity statement, put in place a child-care policy, founded its first ever Reconciliation in Math committee and a long overdue Equity, Diversity and Inclusiveness Committee. Among other changes during Mark Lewis’s time as the president are the following:

  • establishing a close relationship with CAIMS which led to a joint book series;
  • finalising an important contract with CUP;
  • structural changes inside CMS, including the creation of additional committees;
  • bringing to the foreground the decade-old idea of creating a new journal for CMS;
  • last but not the least, a thorough search for a new Executive Director, which led to the hiring of Dr. Termeh Kousha, which, according to Javad Mashreghi, “marked a new era for the Society.”

Termeh Kousha says she is happy she had the chance to work with Mark Lewis:  “It was an absolute privilege to work with Mark Lewis. His passion for the CMS, his openness to new ideas, his generous care for the mathematical community and his patience have set the tone for the CMS and its team and are qualities that we all aspire to.”

The CMS is grateful for Dr. Lewis’s contributions to the Society as a valuable member and president. While this is the end of his mandate, it is not the end of his relationship with the CMS, the Society is looking forward to many years of working and collaborating with him.

The CMS would also like to welcome the new President, Dr. Javad Mashreghi. He is a faculty member at Laval University and the author of more than one hundred papers and eleven books and has edited nine proceedings. He received the CMS G. de B. Robinson Award for his exceptional publication at the Canadian Journal of Mathematics in 2004 and has published papers on a wide variety of subjects such as operator theory, function theory, complex analysis, matrix theory, functional analysis, potential theory, optimization, mathematical biology, electrical engineering and metallurgy. Dr. Mashreghi was the chair of pure math section in the evaluation group of NSERC for the Discovery Grant in 2016, and was an NSF panelist in 2019. He has served in the Board of Directors of CRM, Scientific Advisory Panel of AARMS (two mandates) and in the Executive Committee of CMS as the Vice-President (Québec), and chaired the Publication Committee of CMS during the transition to the Cambridge University Press. Dr. Mashreghi has been on the editorial boards of CJM, CMB, PAMS, and Concrete Operators. He is a member at large of the Publication Committee of AMS, and a member of the Mathematical Council of the Americas.

Javad Mashreghi, who worked alongside Mark Lewis as President-Elect in 2019, acknowledges Dr. Lewis’s contributions to the Society and is looking forward to building upon that work: “I am looking forward to continue my collaboration with Mark to finalise the ongoing projects and navigate new ones. The creation of a new journal, seeking sustainable sources of revenue for the CMS and establishing the Canadian House of Mathematics are challenges ahead of us.”

The CMS wishes Javad Mashreghi great success during his mandate.

About the CMS

Founded in 1945, the Canadian Mathematical Society (CMS) promotes the advancement, discovery, learning and application of mathematics. The CMS promotes mathematics through a rich array of activities including scientific meetings, publications, awards, prizes, grants, camps and competitions.

Courtesy of Canadian Mathematical Society

1986–1991  B.Sc., University of Tehran, Department of Electrical Engineering.
Field:  Electronics. Supervisor:  Farrokh Arazm.


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