UT Information leaflets on COVID-19

26 May 2020 | 00:00 Code : 11579 Events

UT Information leaflets on COVID-19

After the spread of coronavirus disease, UT Health Center and other affiliated units including Unesco Chairs in association with TUMS and Red Crescent Society, I.R. of Iran have produced , re-produced and disseminated various leaflets.

These leaflets provide basic information and precautionary measures on coronavirus disease (COVID-19), how it spreads, symptoms, how to avoid catching or spreading the virus, what to do if you fall ill.

Below you will see some samples of these leaflets:


6 Key Steps

To prevent from intensive respiratory diseases such as flu and corona virus


  1. Cover our mouth and nose while coughing and sneezing
  2. Avoid toughing our hands and nose during disease
  3. Avoid presence in public placed during disease
  4. Wash our hands frequently
  5. Avoid shaking hands and kissing others during disease
  6. Avoid leaving used tissues in environment

Ministry of Health and Medical Education

Office of Vice Minister for Health

Office for Education and Promotion of Health ,  


Ministry of Health and Medical Education

Office of Vice Minister for Health

Center for the Management of Epidemic Diseases 

Tehran University of Medical Science




How to protect yourself from coronavirus infection?

At present, there is no vaccine for protection from covid-19 infection. The best way to prevent from infection is the lack of exposing to corona virus.


  1. Wash your hands with water and soap  for 2 seconds frequently.
  2. If you do not have water and soap , use disinfectant containing alcohol 
  3. Cover  your mouth and nose from others  during sneezing or coughing 
  4. Avoid unprotected contact with wild and tamed animals
  5. In congregations , use mask and avoid kissing or shaking hands with others
  6. Keep one meter distance from those with disease symptoms
  7. During coughing or sneezing , cover your mouth with a tissue and after that throw it into the trash bin.
  8. Disinfect the objects and surfaces which you often touch. 
  9. Avoid touching objects and public surfaces in busy venues and public transportation
  10. Avoid touching your eyes and face in particular with unsterilized hands
  11. Try to have disposable gloves
  12. Avoid close contact with patients
  13. Clean and sterilize your tensile and  personal tools and detach them from others
  14. Wash always your hands before the meal
  15. Cook meat and egg fully
  16. Stay home during disease    



Red Crescent Society, I.R. of Iran

Office of Deputy for Education, Research and Technology



Correct method to wash the hands in 10 stages

  1. Wet the hands and then apply soap on them.
  2. Wash the palm of hands together
  3. Wash between the fingers at back part
  4. Wash the  hands oppositely
  5. Tie the  tip of fingers to each other and wash well
  6. Wash the  thumb separately and accurately
  7. Wash the lines of palm of hands with the tip of fingers
  8. Wash round the wrist of both hands
  9. Dry the hands with handkerchief
  10. Turn off the faucet with the same handkerchief and throw away the handkerchief in the trash bin


Ministry of Health and Medical Education , Office of Vice Minister for Health, Department of Education and Promotion of Health , Center for Management of Infectious Diseases, Office for Health, Population , Family  and Schools


Ministry of Education, Office of Vice Minister for Physical Education and Health, Department of Health and Wellbeing 


Noticeable points to prevent affliction with Covid-19 Corona Virus

Symptoms: Fever, Cough, Sore throat, Shortness of breath

At present, there is no vaccine and medicine for this disease. The best action is prevention.

Hygienic hints:

  • Constant washing of hands with water and soap during the day
  • Covering the mouth and nose while sneezing and coughing of oneself and others
  • Prevention from contact and close contact with afflicted people
  • Suitable feeding and using fruits and vegetables to reinforce immunity system
  • Proper ventilation of atmosphere of residential and working environments
  • Avoiding contact of contaminated hands with eyes, nose, mouth and face
  • Keeping away from contacting and touching in public places and crowded venues
  • Disinfection of the surfaces which are in contact with hands ( by 70% ethanol  or other disinfection solutions for hands)
  • Taking care after elderly people and individuals afflicted with heart, asthma and diabetic diseases
  • Performing respiratory cares such as keeping away from contact with respiratory droplets ( using mask by physicians , nurses, disease take care individuals or those who are obliged to attend the public and busy places).
  • Proper and hygienic removal of tissues after use
  • Referring to physician in case of appearance of symptoms and intensification of disease symptoms
  • Avoid kissing and shaking hands while greeting
  • Minimum distance in face to face communication ( 0bserving at least one meter distance from individuals)

Office of Vice President for Students

Health Center , University of Tehran


Iranian Red Crescent Society of I.R. of Iran

What should we do in the event of facing with someone who is afflicted with corona virus

Hygienic of hands is the first and most important defensive line.


  1. Fever : Check your body temperature two times in a day
  2. Cough:
  3. Shortness of breath or difficulty in breathing
  4. Other primary symptoms such as : shivering , body pain , throat soar , headache, dysentery
  5. If you are afflicted with any of these symptoms, refer to treatment centers immediately      



Practical measures on Cornoavirus

  1. Limit your activities outside home.
  2. With the exception of taking medical care, do not go to work place, school or public venues.
  3. Do not use public means of transportations.
  4. Detach yourself from other members of the home.
  5. If possible use separate bathroom.
  6. Stay in a room different from other individuals.
  7. Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you sneeze or cough.
  8. Wash your hands with water and soap for at least 20 seconds
  9. Always cover your face with a mask.
  10. Wash your hands with soap and water for 20 seconds.
  11. Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands
  12. Avoid sharing home tools such as tensile , towel and bedsheet
  13. Control the disease symptoms in particular your fever 


Red Crescent Society, I. R. of Iran



What to do if someone in your home has the coronavirus?

  1. Only those individuals should stay at home whose presence is necessary for care.
  2. Other members of the family should stay in another venue
  3. If it is not possible to  stay in another room , limit the visitors
  4. Distance the senile and individuals afflicted with chronic heart , lung , kidney and diabetic diseases  from the patient
  5. Be assured that the joint atmospheres at home have an ideal air current  by using air conditioning or opening up the window
  6. Wash your hands with soap and water at least for 20 seconds
  7. Use tissue and gloves during contact with blood , body secretion such as sweat , saliva , sputum , vomits , urinate  or diarrhea of the patient 
  8. Throw away the disposable tools after using
  9. Clean everyday surfaces such as counter , desk, bathroom tools , toilet , telephone , tablet , etc
  10. Disinfect the surfaces and garments which might be exposed to blood or secretions
  11. Wash and disinfect the garments fully
  12. While touching contaminated substances , use disposable gloves
  13. Wash your hands immediately after gloves removal

Red Crescent Society, I.R. of Iran

Office of Deputy for Education, Research and Technology

Image of the main banner in UT website: Courtesy of https://www.kekule.com/






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