87th Session of the IAU Administrative Board

23 May 2020 | 00:00 Code : 11562 News Events

The International Association of Universities, 

 IAU, founded in 1950, is the UNESCO-based worldwide association of higher education institutions. It brings together institutions and organizations from some 120 countries for reflection and action on common concerns and collaborates with various international, regional and national bodies active in higher education. Its services are available on the priority basis to Members but also to organizations, institutions and authorities concerned with higher education, as well as to individual policy and decision-makers, specialists, administrators, teachers, researchers and students.



All the member of the Administrative Board are elected for a four-year term. In addition to the President, the Board comprises 20 members (18 heads of member institutions & 2 heads of member organizations). It also comprises two ex-officio members (Immediate Past President & the Secretary General). Deputy members are also elected for each region and each category of members. A balanced geographic and gender representation are taken into consideration. The Administrative Board meets annually, ensures that decisions of the General Conference are implemented and guides the work of the IAU Secretariat. Some of its work is carried out through specific committees and working groups.


During the IAU 15th General Conference on Higher Education with the support of the delegations of Iranian and foreign participating universities, Prof. Mahmoud Nili Ahmadabadi , President of University of Tehran was elected as a member of IAU Administrative Board.



87th Session of the IAU Administrative Board

Extraordinary session convened virtually in light the Covid-19 pandemic.

26 May from 14:30 to 16:30 CEST





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