A virtual joint meeting between University of Tehran and Saint Petersburg University, Russia

17 May 2020 | 00:00 Code : 11527 News

Note: On February 17, 2019 following the visit of Professor Nikolay Kropachev , Rector of St Petersburg University to University of Tehran and meeting with Prof. Nili Ahmadabadi , President of University of Tehran , both sides signed a MoU. To follow up the contents of the MoU and the mutual programs in progress, the second virtual meeting was held. During this virtual meeting, the following issues were reviewed and discussed in details:

  • Launching a project of producing educational films on the Iranian art and architecture in association with the two universities and Hermitage museum
  • Producing joint online educational programs
  • Organizing a fund for joint researches
  • Exchange of students and faculty members
  • Holding joint workshops and seminar
  • Translation of Russian and Iranian literary works
  • Granting honorary  doctorate degrees to outstanding personalities
  • A close collaboration between Unesco chairs at UT and Saint Petersburg University in organizing scientific conferences 
  • Installation of statues of eminent academic figures in each university


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