Iranian Yalda Night and the Christmas Celebration Held at Dehkhoda Institute and ICPS

28 December 2019 | 00:00 Code : 10409 News

Dehkhoda Lexicon Institute and International Center for Persian Studies held a celebration for Iranian Yalda Night and Christmas on Dec 21, 2015. The celebration was for non-Iranian students, regarding the coincidence of Christmas, Yalda Night, the new Christian year and the birthday of Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH), the holy prophet of Islam.

The celebration was held in two parts. In the First part a student from Mexico read a few verses of Maryam Surah of the holy Quran and Dr Pegah Khadish, a Faculty Member of the Institute, talked about Yalda and the Iranian culture and also Mr Kamyar Abedi talked about the links between Iranian culture and Christmas and an Iranian traditional music band performed their program.

In the Second part, professors and students of Truism Management invited by Dehkhoda, rendered an exhibition including Iranian traditional handcrafts, Iranian foods, Iranian local clothes, different Iranian celebrations and many related activities, to make a happy atmosphere for the students and other guests.

Courtesy of Dehkhoda Lexicon Institute and International Center for Persian Studies Website

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