UT Director General for Office of International Relations appointed as the Overseas Research Fellow by a Chinese University

22 December 2019 | 00:00 Code : 10354 Events

Abdolmajid Eskandari, Director General for Office of Internaitonal Relations has been recently appointed as the Overseas Research Fellow by Yunnan University , People's Republic of China. The text of the communique reads as follow:

Abdolmajid Eskandari

Director General, Office of International Relations,

University of Tehran, I.R. of Iran

On behalf of the Institute of “ The Belt and Road Initiative” of Yunnan University , The People’s Republic of China, I hereby appoint you as the Overseas Research Fellow , based on the assessment of your outstanding achievements on the Belt and Road Initiatives, culture and language , and your continuous efforts to strengthen the academic ties between China and Iran.


Dr. Prof. Li Chenyang

Vice President of Yunnan University,

December, 2019

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