Spanish Professor visits UT within Erasmus+ Program

22 December 2019 | 00:00 Code : 10351 Events

Professor M.ª Paula Santalla del Río from the Department of Spanish Language and Literature, Theory of Literature and General Linguistics of the University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain visited the University of Tehran from 16 to 19 December, 2019.

This is an activity included in the teaching exchange program ERASMUS+KA107 in which University of Tehran and University of Santiago de Compostela collaborate since many years ago.

Professor M.ª Paula Santalla del Río prepared lectures about different aspects of Spanish Linguistics (Spanish Corpus Linguistics, part of speech identification in Spanish and Spanish Syntax) for the undergraduate students of the Faculties of World Studies and Foreign Languages and Literature, as well as about the exploitation of corpora for the teaching of Spanish as a Foreign Language to graduated students who are interested in this field.

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