اطلاعیه دانشگاه Southern Federal University برای دوره پسادکتری ۲۰۲۲-۲۰۱۹
PostDoc is announced in the Southern Federal University for 2019-2022
Dear colleagus,
A competition for PostDoc is announced in the Southern Federal University for 2019-2022.
The salary level is 70000 rubles plus separate flat in campus of university for all family members of PostDoc.
We are inviting young PhD scientists (before 35 years) to joing our group research under advising of Professor Tatiana Minkina.
The group research are devoted to:
- Soil chemical pollution by heavy metals and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons;
- mechanisms of uptake, accumulation, transformation, migration, etc. of this compunds in the environmental objects, mostly soils and plant as well as sediments and water;
- new methods of identification of organic toxicants and their metabolites (HPLC, Mass-spectrometry methods);
- Toxicants effect on the plants ultrastructure using SEM, TEM and ligtening microscopy methods;
- New methods of heavy metals identification in soils (EXAFS, XANES);
- Newly developed extraction methods of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from soils and plants by subcritical water extraction;
- Author's extraction methods of chemical fractionation of heavy metals from soil;
- Study of environmental risks associated with heavy metal nanoparticles;
- Developing of new remediation methods for soils under chemical and technogenic contamination using organic (biochar, activated carbon), composite, and inorganic sorbents, developed by our group,
- and many other intresting directions.
Please, all who is interested in this position fill out the form attached to this e-mail.
Waiting for you in Southern Federal University!
Faithfully yours,
Prof. Dr. Tatiana Minkina
Southern Federal University
and Assoc.Prof.Dr. Svetlana Sushkova
Email: terra_rossa@mail.ru
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